What We Do

Arkansas Transition Services serves all 75 counties in Arkansas in an effort to improve transition outcomes for students with disabilities.
Our mission is to effectively assist students with disabilities, educators, parents, agency personnel and community members in preparing students to transition from school to adult life and reach positive post-school outcomes. We provide technical assistance, trainings and consultations to special education teachers and other relevant staff, as well as to various agency personnel. Our services are provided at no cost.
More information 
to come about our latest trainings.

Transition goals and services must be in place by the time a child reaches age 16, as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2004). A student with a disability who is approaching the age of 16 will soon (if not already) have a set of Transition Goals and Services in place in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

In Arkansas, these goals and services are indicated on the Postsecondary Required Transition IEP Forms. The goals are based on the student’s individual needs, taking into account their interests and preferences. The services/ activities promote movement toward these goals, and all the courses the student should plan to take to work toward those goals. When this transition information is going to be discussed at an IEP meeting, the student is required to be invited to the meeting - and it's really important that students attend and participate in these meetings - after all, it's about the student! A Transition Consultant can help teachers understand all the components and how to develop meaningful transition plans. We can also help teachers become aware of some great strategies to use for students as they progress through this transition! A meaningful plan is based on transition assessments and parent and student input. Including agency linkage and resources is also essential in working toward the achievement of the students’ goals! Let us help you understand how to tie it all together! 


Ten Minutes of Transition Videos

Ten Minutes of Transition is a project the Arkansas Interagency Partnership has taken on to provide parents with a short video on tips/advice/guidance for agencies and their programs. Click on a link below to learn more about these agencies and how they can help!

Project SEARCH
Easter Seals
Friendship Community Care
Pulaski Tech 3D Program

For other informational videos, check out our YouTube Channel!